Red Team Specialist in Consulting Role

Rishi Narang
 (1212 words)
You’ve spent years honing your skills in the trenches of in-house security, helped identify and fix numerous blind spots, and vulnerabilities. Now you’re ready for a new challenge by joining a consulting firm as a coveted red teamer. This is an exciting opportunity to apply your expertise in a new context and help hundreds of organizations strengthen their security posture. To ensure you ace the interview process, I’ve compiled some key pointers to help you prepare for your interview in consulting domain.

Exclusive Interview with SPYSE Team

Rishi Narang
 (1496 words)
I don’t think many of you have heard of SPYSE (I didn’t before this interview) before, but let me tell you - they are amazing people, great developers and believe me when I say they are contributing great to information security community with their amazing tools and projects. I got interested and frankly heard about them when I checked out on certdb and findsubdomains projects - remarkable sites and highly recommended to have a look!

OSINT: Finding Subdomains

Rishi Narang
 (1176 words)
Many of us are in the security consulting business, or bug bounties, or even network intelligence and have now and then come across a need to find subdomains. The requirement can be from either side of the table - a consultant assessing a client’s internet presence, or a company validating its own digital footprint. In more than a decade, it has happened so many times that people are not aware of what old assets are they running, and hence can be exploited to either damage the brand image, or actual networks.

Cloudflare Quad-1 DNS

Rishi Narang
 (548 words)
This year I have witnessed too many DNS stories - rising from the Government censorship programs to privacy-centric secure DNS (DNS over TLS) in order to protect the customers’ queries from profiling or profiting businesses. There are some DNS which are attempting to block the malicious sites (IBM Quad9 DNS and SafeDNS) while others are trying to give un-restricted access to the world (Google DNS and CISCO OpenDNS) at low or no costs.